On Arrival

Past couple of days

We arrived in Kampala on Wednesday a little late and confused but all okay. The flights were good but due to films, games and talent for staying awake some of us got no sleep while others got relatively little. After a sixteen hour flight via Dubai we arrived in Entebbe Airport to fantastic green grass and a relatively cool day (apparently!!). Despite this it was a distinctly warm day and we were very glad to don flip flops and shorts or skirts. In the evening we had a tasty meal of potato, banana stuff (basically mashed potato flavoured with banana!), peas and a nut sauce. Today we started to learn Luganda with Matt (Oasis worker). Michael, Robert (guard/chauffer) and Prossy (maid) enjoyed laughing at our poor attempts to use it on them. Yesterday afternoon we managed to survive the lethal roads despite Julia being hit on the arm by a car!!

Next few days

Today we are meeting the Fields of Life director and on Tuesday will go around the schools with her to meet the teachers and get a better feel of how we can help out. We are also visiting Kampala (the real deal rather than our suburb) today.


Unknown said...

I enjoyed your photos.
What a delicious looking meal! Your house looks amazing and we could do with some warm weather over here in the UK.

I hope that everything is going well and look forward to reading more news on your Blog....

Georgiana (Julia's friend)

Anonymous said...

Rebecca - I'm not sure how blogs work and this was the only way I could find to leave you something! Glad to hear you have arrived safely and hope that your friends' arm is feeling better. Hope all goes well with meeting the teachers in Kampala too... we will make sure we pray for you all in Contact this week.
Love, Simon.
(PS - Timmy is being well looked after...watched a crazy Kiwi comedy on Mon)