Holiday club at Glory for Education

Well, it’s the end of term and Sam, Freya and I (Jon) had their last day at school. But before that, earlier in the week, the whole team made the bumby ninety minute journey down to Watuba for the two day holiday club. It had taken a lot of planning but on Monday and Tuesday the whole school were involved in a lot of games, craft and songs as well as four short talks from Mark on the life of Jesus. Some games were more successful than others, although all were hilarious to watch, especially with kids running through a roped assault course and an abundance of water balloons. Everything was helped along by Sam as the MC aided by some silly walks lots of shouting and custard pies.
The talks looked at who Jesus was, what he came to do, what the cross means for us and what the Christian life involves. Each of which was also aided by a dramatized commentary from a dopey Mark and an ever clever Becca, not forgetting attempting to use the kids when acting out Jesus calming the storm. We have had had a constant struggle across the schools (with the exception of Ruth and Freya) of a complete lack of any ability to sing, yet we still managed to get some sort of tune out of the 180 kids at Glory for Education and left to a touching song from the P7 kids.
In other news from Kiti School, Rosie was proposed to by a brother of one of the school kids and Sarah had to name a baby. From Children’s Corner, the decorating of the school has been going very well after a slow start and was aided by ‘Chief’ Valentino and Paul from the street kids ministry team coming to help. There is now a week until the next holiday club at Children’s Corner followed by Kitti with the significant factor of their being around 400 kids to try to organise and speak to!


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